Los motores brushless, sensorless o PMSM de 4 y 8 polos con rotor de imanes permanentes fabricados por VERNIS MOTORS garantizan una alta potencia con bajo peso, el par de reluctancia (cogging) es mínimo, ideales para motores de tracción y con altos pares de pico durante todo el rango de velocidades.
Las medidas de anclaje de la gama brushless corresponden al estándar IEC.

Motores Brushless
Vernis Motors SL designs and manufactures brushless motors that can be powered by both DC/AC converters and DC/DC converters. These motors can be supplied with or without electronic control.
Apart from industrial ventilation applications, these motors can also be applicated in the field of mobility.
They are distinguished by there improved efficiency over traditional induction motors, being able to obtain efficiencies above 90%.
The constructive form can be similar to the IEC motor types 63, 90 and 112 or with extruded aluminium housing.
The electronic control can be mounted on the inside of the models type 63, 80 and 90.
Voltage Supply | With Converter DC/AC or AC/AC |
Types: | 63, 80, 90 y 112 |
Poles: | 8 |
Thermic Class: | Class F |
Constructive Form: | IEC B3, B5, B14, Extruded aluminium housing with electronic control inside |
Protection Code: | IP-54 |
Service: | According to UNE EN 60034-1 |
Shaft: | Steel or Stainless Steel |
Bearings: | Recognized Brand Ball Bearings |